CMCP Level 3--VATM
Why do I offer VATM?
Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy (VAHT) and Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music (VATM)Training in Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music (VATM), which includes Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy (VAHT) is now offered as an optional advanced level of training through Harp for Healing's Clinical Musician Certification Program (CMCP). Qualified graduates of CMCP, other NSBTM accredited training programs, or music therapy are eligible to enroll in CMCP Level 3 VATM.
The training qualifies for Continuing Education credits for NSBTM programs.
Why should you take CMCP Level 3? It contains advanced training in:
- Personal reactions to music and instruments based on individual "myths"
- Listening in various forms and the anatomy of the ear
- Basics of vibrational medicine and cymatics
- Working in a clinical environment
- Sound, Music, Healing and Psychological perspectives
- Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy and Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music
- Business considerations
- Equipment reviews
Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music uses music produced by a live musician combined with vibrotactile devices that give the cells of the body what has been described as a "musical massage." Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music can utilize harp, classical guitar, keyboard, other wide-range instruments that cover all the notes of the grand staff, down to the low E below bass clef. The musician's instrument is connected to an amplifier, which then transmits the music to pillows, sound tables, or pads with speakers embedded into them. The client reclines, holds, or leans on the pillows, table, or pads and receives vibrations created by both acoustic and amplified sound.
CMCP Level 3 consists of two phases and is in a self-paced, home-study format. Phase One is the study portion where students learn about vibrational medicine, the mythology of the harp and music and how it applies to the delivery of therapeutic music. The the anatomy of listening, cymatics, and human energy fields will all be introduced. There will be detailed information about functioning as a therapeutic musician in a healthcare setting. The psychological background of sound and music will be explored, and information will be given regarding the practice of VATM and VAHT. Instructions will be given on buying or building your own vibrotactile system to be used in VATM or VAHT.
Phase Two, the final portion of CMCP Level 3, will be the practicum, supervised by the Program Director, which will offer hands-on experience in doing Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music sessions. The practicum can be done either remotely by zoom or in-person at the Harp for Healing home office in Havre, Montana. The credential of Certified Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Music Practitioner (VATMP) will awarded at the successful completion of the practicum.
Cost of tuition: $775 (PLEASE NOTE: Tuition does not include VATM equipment or two supplemental books of choice.)
VATM equipment is available for purchase from Harp for Healing for CMCP Level 3--VATM students. Contact Harp for Healing at for details and pricing.
Mary Stevens delivering VATM to a resident at a care facility.
A client receiving a VATM session.